As Industry 5.0 continues to revolutionize the health sector, companies and professionals must adapt to an era of rapid technological, economic, environmental, and societal transformation. A skilled, future-ready workforce is crucial to navigating these changes successfully.
CEBR is proud to announce its partnership in BRIGHTskills, an innovative Erasmus+ funded project led by EIT Health. This forward-thinking initiative is designed to equip the current and future workforce with the essential skills required to excel in the evolving health industrial ecosystem.
Between now and 2029, alongside 25 esteemed trans-European partners, BRIGHTskills will:
- Develop a Health Industry Skills Strategy for workforce development;
- Establish a dedicated workforce skills observatory;
- Design self-assessment tools for skill enhancement;
- Deploy certified and accredited training programmes to upskill professionals.
With these initiatives, BRIGHTskills aims to future-proof the health industry workforce, ensuring that employees and employers alike remain competitive in a rapidly shifting landscape.
The BRIGHTskills consortium is formed by 20 beneficiaries and 6 associated partners representing the full spectrum of the health industry skill development value chain: EIT Health EV (EITH), DIGITALEUROPE AISBL (DE), Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH), ART-ER S.c.p.A. (ART-ER), University of Galway (Galway), Council of European BioRegions (CEBR), INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH (INiTS), BioTalentum Tudásfejlesztő Kft. (BIOT), Medtronic Iberica SA (MDT), Wise Angle Consulting SL (WISE), Universidad de Navarra (IESE), Naučnoistraživački Institut Verlab za biomedicinski inžinjering, medicinske uređaje i vještačku inteligenciju (Verlab), Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (UWK), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Medical Valley Europäische Metropolregion Nürnberg EV (MV), Azienda ULSS n.4 Veneto Orientale (ProMIS), EIT Manufacturing West SL (EITM-W), Asociación Multisectorial de Empresas de la Electrónica, las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, de las Telecomunicaciones y de los Contenidos Digitales (AMETIC), Adecco Italia S.p.a. (Adecco), Asociacija INFOBALT (INFOBALT), Boston Scientific Limited (BSL), Medicines For Europe (MFE), MedTech Europe (MTE), Campus Biotech Digital (CBD), and Biocat, la BioRegió de Catalunya (BIOCAT).
Stay connected with BRIGHTskills! Follow us on LinkedIn and X to receive updates on this groundbreaking project and be part of the transformation in health industry workforce development.
The BRIGHTskills project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement number 101187080.