Working Groups

A working group to identify the needs of the clusters, clarify the objectives and expectations and how to achieve them!

A working group to identify the needs of the clusters, clarify the objectives and expectations and how to achieve them!
Council of European Bioregions, Square de Meeus, Brussels 1005
Business sector(s): Biotech, Medtech, Digital Health, Services
Main companies; developments: Cardiovascular Diseases, Neuroscience – Ageing – Degenerative diseases, Cancer, Biorobotics – Bioengeneering – Biomaterials, Bio-imaging Diagnostics, IVD, DIgital Health
Number of companies in the cluster (or represented by the entity): 47
Main services: Start-up Creation support Business development coaching Intellectual Property management Support to Technology Transfer Grants search and application support Scouting for industrial and financial partners Infrastructure Services (Front office, meeting rooms, Internet, etc.) High-tech equipment platforms and facilities & research related Services Networking and Internationalization
Numbers of Incubators: 0
The Turku region is an expertise centre for pharma, diagnostics and health technology and a frontrunner in functional foods research. More than 75% of Finnish pharmaceutical exports and 50% of Finnish in vitro diagnostics exports come from the Turku region. We offer numerous high-quality testbeds for companies also for other regions. Business Turku coordinates HealthHub Finland EDIH, a consortium that helps SMEs to digitalise and develop new health data-driven businesses and is leading the Women’s Health initiative in Finland.
STUNS Life Science promotes the growth of a strong and sustainable life science sector. We make life science more competitive. Everyday.
We are an active and helpful expert organization that facilitate knowledge transfer and growth. We strengthen relations and increase collaborations between academia, industry and society to support the development of Stockholm as an attractive place for research and entrepreneurship.
It generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of health and bioeconomy. The cluster develops at national level of competitiveness and innovation, it promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the fields of Health and Bioeconomy.
Oost NL (East Netherlands Development Agency) is an agency that focuses its activities and projects on strengthening and stimulating the economy of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel, the Netherlands. We work with businesses in the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and are commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the respective Provinces. Oost NL plays an important role in executing the economic policies of the Dutch government and the Provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and its various city governments. To achieve this it is necessary to encourage a close cooperation between businesses, regional institutes, knowledge institutes, and intermediaries. Oost NL acts as a bridge between government, companies and knowledge institutes.
One Nucleus is a not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation headquartered in Cambridge. We support institutions, companies and individuals in the Life Sciences sector providing local, UK-wide and international connectivity. Through providing the local, UK-wide and international connectivity, One Nucleus seeks to enable our members to maximise their performance.
Since 2005, Medicen Paris Region is the healthcare competitiveness cluster of the Paris Region. Its unique network brings together more than 510 healthcare innovation stakeholders, including 430 healthtech startups and SMEs, 42 medium-sized companies and large corporate groups, 35 of the main national research institutes and healthcare institutions in the region. Medicen’s vocation is to transform scientific excellence into therapeutic and economic value, into industrial processes and employment opportunities. In order to boost the sector’s growth, job creations and introduce innovative healthcare solutions and services to the market, Medicen supports its members in the emergence of research and innovation projects’, in the orientation of project leaders to adequate funding and in their growth in France and abroad.
Medeon was the first Science Park in Scandinavia fully devoted to Life Sciences, extablished in 1985. It laso includes an Incubator for projects and start ups in addition to various professional networks (subclusters), e.g. Diabetes Alliance Sweden, Pharma Development Group, NanoMed North, Life Science Malmö, Dent2Health and others.
Lyonbiopole is a competitiveness cluster federating a vibrant healthcare ecosystem established in the French Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Lyonbiopole supports innovative collaborative projects and companies in the healthcare sector to strengthen the development of disruptive solutions to meet tomorrow’s healthcare challenges. Lyonbiopole currently gathers 270 member organisations covering the whole value chain (RTOs, SMEs, large groups) for the development of biotech, medtech and digital health solutions.
Lombardy’s Life Sciences Cluster is a community devoted to life sciences in the Lombardy Region. It brings together public and private players in the diagnostics, advanced therapies, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and healthcare technologies areas to foster progress in this sector in Lombardy and to create new business opportunities for its members.
Klaster LifeScience Krakow is the community of scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, business developers and policymakers collaborating to develop in the Malopolska Region the innovation ecosystem that has a global impact on Health and Quality of Life.
The Hellenic Biocluster (HBio) is the largest Health & Life Sciences cluster in Greece. HBio is a strong innovation moderator, connecting and supporting industry and academia partners to develop innovative and impact science. By creating and fostering dynamic synergies, HBio actively contributes to partner and sector growth and ensures a coherent and positive innovation climate for the bio industry in Greece. HBio delivers connectivity to the global science and technology frontiers, with the vision to continue being a catalyst, adding value to the innovation performance of our partners and Greece as a whole.
Health & Life Science Cluster Bulgaria is a professional non-government organisation that was founded to unify the efforts of experts, scientists, practitioners, researchers, academic institutions, start-ups, globally established companies, incubators, technology transfer companies, journalists, marketing and PR experts, who work for the advancement of biotechnology and life sciences field in Bulgaria. The main goals as an organization are to position and popularize Bulgaria as a global centre for health and life sciences, to support the growth of the health and biotechnology sectors, as well as to encourage the synergy between the academy, media, entrepreneurs, investors, public institutions and start-ups, to turn innovative ideas into new products and bring new technological solutions on the market.
Genopole shapes and vivifies a research hub for genomics and life sciences, energizes the growth of biotechnologies by creating, accompanying and welcoming innovative businesses, strengthens a life sciences academic center, and organizes lively scientific events at the biocluster. is a dynamic life sciences organisation with more than 340 member organisations from Belgium and abroad. We help our members to create value by organising networking and training activities, supporting internationalisation, providing services and building expertise.
Eurobiomed (EBM) is the Competitive Cluster for Health tech in the South of France. Created in 2009 by all the health sector stakeholders in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte D’Azur and Occitania regions, Eurobiomed represents an ecosystem of more 400 industrial players, major groups, SMEs, startups, research laboratories and universities. It provides resources and offers solutions for businesses and research organisations in the health sector to help them innovate, finance, develop and achieve their strategic and business objectives and ultimately improve the treatment and the lives of patients.
Eurasanté is the health cluster in Northern France. Eurasanté is a development agency dedicated to tech transfer and business development in the life sciences sector. For more than twenty years, Eurasanté has worked to promote the development of the health sector. Our experienced project managers assist researchers, startups, and businesses to develop their innovations and projects, boosting their business and networks.
Campania Bioscience is the regional life sciences cluster in Campania, one of the most dynamic bioregions in Southern Italy.Since 2013, it has gathered skills and structures in the health, biotechnology and agri-food sectors and is committed to enhancing the regional life sciences and health ecosystem. From year to year, it continues to strengthen its presence at regional, national and European level, through participation in new research projects and strategic collaborations with large companies in the Life Science field.
LifetecZONe is a foundation in the South of The Netherlands focussing on Lifesciences and Medical
Technology SME’s. LifetecZONe is a community, where 100 SME’s meet, are coached, getting informed about latest trends and are connected to other collaboration partners. LifetecZONe is steered by a board of directors. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) is Chair of the board of LifetecZONe.
BOM and LifetecZONe are connected and work together to improve the services towards the SME’s. LifetecZONe is managed by a program coordinator who knows what the main hurdles and challenges are of the SME’s and entrepreneurs. With this knowledge, programs and projects are build, to bring the SME’s in the region to a next level. BOM and LifetecZONe together cover the region of North-Brabant with over 400 companies in Health, and more than 10.000 jobs. Bringing companies to the next level and help them to grow is day – to -day business. LifetecZONe gained a bronze label for cluster management excellence. BOM and LifetecZONe have a lot of experience in European programs.
BioWin is the Health Cluster of Wallonia, Belgium. We are the regional reference holder for all stakeholders in innovative R&I projects in health biotechnology and medical technologies, whether they are companies, research centers or universities. We also aim to promote Wallonia internationally as a world-class life sciences environment for academic, clinical and industrial research.
Bretagne Centre for Technological Innovation (Western France)
We’re Bretagne’s biotech and health cluster and a leading innovation centre for these sectors in 7 markets: eco-industries, agro-industry, food and cosmetic sector, pharmaceutical industry/health biotech, medical technologies, e-health.
BioRN is the science and industry innovation cluster around Heidelberg at the border between Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse. BioRN is a non-profit network counting more than 130 members. It includes top universities, research institutions and Technology Parks. Ten global pharmaceutical companies have R&D sites or are active in the BioRN network. The ecosystem is completed by a large range of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as local government organizations and interest groups.
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH promotes economic development in the life sci-ences industry, helping to strengthen the region as a business location by supporting innovations and start-up companies in the public interest. It is the main point of contact for company founders and entrepreneurs in the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions, in-cluding the cities of Tübingen and Reutlingen.
The STERN BioRegion is one of the largest and most successful bioregions in Germany. Its unique selling points include a mix of biotech and medtech companies that is outstanding in Germany and regional clusters in the fields of automation technology and mechanical engineering.
Danish Life Science Cluster is the national cluster organization for life science and welfare technology in Denmark. We aim to convert Danish research and knowledge within life science and welfare technology into new and improved commercial solutions for the benefit of businesses, healthcare systems, municipalities, and citizens in Denmark.
BioM coordinates the biotechnology network in Bavaria, Germany, and manages the biomedicine cluster Munich with the vision to make Bavaria the Place for the Medicine of the Future. BioM is the central contact point for 400+ biotech and pharma companies in Bavaria. The core competence of the region is the development of innovative therapeutics and diagnostics, in particular for personalized healthcare. BioM offers central access to all cluster partners and provides a broad range of information about the sector for prospective customers from abroad.
Bioindustry Park is an Italian Science Park specialized in Life sciences and healthcare, located in Piedmont (Italy). The park hosts life science companies, R&D and training centers, supports the growth of start-ups and scale-ups, acts as technology transfer enabler and promotes the interaction between research and industry, bridging universities, companies, research centers and healthcare service providers.
Since 2009 Bioindustry Park is the managing company of bioPmed, the regional innovation cluster dedicated to life science and health care. bioPmed members and its community, composed by more than 350 players, represent the entire healthcare value chain: Universities and R&D centers, start-ups and SMEs, large multinational companies, research and care foundations, local public hospitals and healthcare authorities, training and specialised service providers.
bioPmed promotes the creative interaction between local authorities, research, industry and citizens, stimulating innovation, collaboration, life-long learning and accompanying internationalization processes. All the cluster members share a common vision and the same strategic approach towards innovation, considered as the main driver for competitiveness.
BIOIB, the biotechnology and biomedical cluster of the Balearic Islands, was born in 2010 as an initiative of the Government of the Balearic Islands and the Balearic Association of Biotechnological Companies, made up of companies in which technological innovation plays a key role within its competitive strategy.
Biocat is the organization that maximizes the economic and social impact of the life sciences and healthcare innovation ecosystem in Catalonia. It was created in 2006 by the Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Council and its governing bodies include representatives from all areas and levels of the BioRegion of Catalonia: Administration, business (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical technology, digital health and services), universities, hospitals, research centers and institutes, science parks and sector support organizations.
Biocant Park is a science and technology park specialized in biotechnology, where advanced life sciences knowledge and technology are developed and applied, creating value in business initiatives. It is nowadays the biggest and most relevant cluster of biotech companies and R&D institutions in Portugal. With a strong commitment to science education and entrepreneurship, Biocant Park provides a wide variety of services and opportunities to develop a competitive business, adjusted to the company’s needs.
The German capital region is one of the world’s leading locations for the healthcare industry, healthcare, and the life sciences. Leading global companies, renowned scientists, first-class hospitals, innovative start-ups, and specialists from all over the world work together in Berlin-Brandenburg each day to deliver the very best goods and services for the regional and global healthcare markets.
The cluster management team at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) drives networking and the technology transfer in the region and supports international companies interested in relocating to the German capital region.
LISAvienna is a joint life science platform operated by Austria Wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the City of Vienna, it contributes to the advancement of life sciences in Vienna. LISAvienna supports innovative biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device and digital health companies in Vienna that develop and market new products, services and processes. The platform links these companies with development partners and key customers.
Atlanpole Biotherapies co-ordinates the work of laboratories, companies and platforms for a public-private complete, relevant and competitive solution, on the bio-medicine value chain from target discovery to clinical evaluation.
Atlanpole Biotherapies is also an association that relies on teams of several organizations in the West of France, which are spread over the three regions covered by the cluster’s area: Pays de la Loire, Brittany and Centre-Val de Loire.
A senior professional with a background in PR & Communications, Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales Management.
With over 15 years working for multinational companies, developing and implementing strategic Communications and Marketing programs for the healthcare, medical devices, legal, fashion and luxury industries.
Her areas of expertise are: PR, Media and Institutional Relations, Corporate Communications, Digital Media, Marketing and Content Development.
She is responsible for CEBR’s Marketing and Communications strategy, as well as for the European projects in which CEBR participates as a partner.
Alberto has 20 years of experience in EU projects, clusters and regional competitiveness.After his Master Degree, he joined the experience of science&technology parks, working in tech transfer, SME support and internationalisation. In 2009 he contributed to found bioPmed, Piemonte Healthcare cluster, where he also served as Cluster Manager for 8 years and Vice-President of CEBR.
In his career has been involved in more than 20 successful EU projects, from FP6 to the launch and coordination of two European Strategic Cluster Partnerships.
He is also Lead Assessor and Benchmarking Expert at ESCA – European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (Berlin) and Associated Trainer at the European Foundation for Cluster Excellence (Barcelona).
He is a consultant, mentor and coach in cluster management, cluster excellence and regional competitiveness.
Specialist in international research management. She has worked in many different research fields such as Health, Information and Communication Technologies, International Cooperation, and Innovation.
She holds a Business Administration degree from the University of Montreal Business School HEC, with specialization in Marketing and International management. Established in Barcelona since 2001, she has been working as an International Research Advisor for the Vall d’ Hebron Institute of Research, as a EU funded project managers for several entities like the University of Barcelona, and acted as Outreach coordinator for the European Science Open Forum ( ESOF).
She also works as an expert reviewer for the European Commission in Research management related topics, and support the definition and implementation of International projects through Asserta Global Healthcare Solutions.
Alexis Biton – International Affairs manager at Genopole.
Alexis has a Masters 2 degree in Law and European affairs from Bordeaux University. He is specialized in European Union policies and International Affairs, programs, and financial mechanisms. As he did in his previous experience working for Innovation transfer at École Polytechnique, Alexis now brings his in-depth knowledge of European calls and networks to Genopole members looking to benefit from EU’s programs and International development opportunities.
Alexis is in charge of International & European Partnerships and his activities are structured around 3 main axes:
Following a Masters’ degree in European & International Affairs from Sorbonne University, Hickmah strengthened her expertise in European affairs in various capacities, including consultancy, the disability sector and presently, within the healthcare sector.
In 2022, she joined Medicen Paris Region which is the Health Competitiveness Cluster (state labelled) of the Paris and Ile-de-France Region (500+ members – MedTech, Biotech, E-health, Diagnostic, Data). Medicen’s vocations is to transform scientific innovation into therapeutic and economic value, into industrial processes and into job creation.
As a European Affairs Coordinator at Medicen, Hickmah collaborates with health and lifescience clusters across France and the EU to identify & respond to field needs of SMEs and academia, develop strategic inter-cluster collaborations and partnerships (also via several European projects). Her responsibilities also include coordinating the Europe team’s activities, representing Medicen in various national and European entities & working groups, and contributing to the cluster’s strategic positioning on European health challenges at regional, national, and European levels.
PhD in Molecular Biology, Masters’ Degree in Science Communication and Executive Masters’ Degree in Diplomacy and External Affairs. She has a scientific background (12-year experience as a researcher in Spain, France and the USA) and an additional professional track in science communication (1999-2006).
She joined Biocat in 2006, a few months after its foundation (first, as head of communication, and later as head of external affairs). She has been involved since in the cluster strategy, being currently member of the managing board. She is also advisor for R&I policies (since 2011) plus international relations (since 2017) for the Government of Catalonia (Secretariat for Universities and Research), with a special focus on international alliances and R&I programs.
As a member of the Biocat team, she works to promote the BioRegion of Catalonia, an ecosystem of 1200+ stakeholders (academia, hospitals, research organizations, administration, large firms, SMEs, VC, etc.), with a particular focus on its international position. Biocat is locally and globally active, member of several networks and partner in several consortia, with a footprint mainly in Europe but also in US, Canada, Israel and China. Her domains of expertise are: Research and Innovation policies, European Institutions and bodies, internationalization strategy, Science Diplomacy, Research Impact Assessment, Social Progress.
More than 20 years experience in the medtech and drug development industries as well as risk financing. Currently director of internationalisation services in Turku Science Park Ltd and managing HealthTurku cluster, the largest biotech cluster in Finland with 90+ biotechs.
HealthTurku aims to help its biotech companies and universities to grow, internationalize and get financing. Also vice chairman in ScanBalt, a metacluster and Northern Europe’s Leading Accelerator for Inter-regional cooperation.
Specialties: Financing, project management, business planning, business development
Sauro Vicini is the Cluster Manager of the Health Cluster of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy since 2018.
He is a computer scientist with a Master in Technology & Innovation Management held at the Business School of the Bologna University.
From 2006 to 2017 he worked in the top ranked research centre in healthcare in Italy: the San Raffaele Hospital of Milan, working on topics such as IoT, Digital Health, cloud computing, robotics, privacy and data security, wearable sensors and personal health systems for well-being and disease prevention.
In 2012 he founded the “City of the Future Living Lab”: the living lab for experimenting user-driven Open Innovationinside the San Raffaele Hospital.
From 2014 to 2016 he has been member of the Executive Board of the Cluster Foundation “Technologies for Smart Cities and Communities”, a private foundation based in Milan and promoted by the Lombardia Region for the development of its regional Smart Specialization Strategy.
He conducted research activities, collaborating on numerous European Projects (Horizon 2020, FP7, FP6), in several ICT/Health sectors: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Wearable Sensors, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Data Security, User-driven Open Innovation, Living Lab Methodologies, privacy-by-design technologies, ontologies and semantic engines.
Lyonbiopole is a competitiveness cluster federating a vibrant healthcare ecosystem established in the French Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Lyonbiopole supports innovative collaborative projects and companies in the healthcare sector to strengthen the development of disruptive solutions to meet tomorrow’s healthcare challenges. Lyonbiopole currently gathers 270 member organisations covering the whole value chain (RTOs, SMEs, large groups) for the development of biotech, medtech and digital health solutions.
Since 2005, Medicen Paris Region is the healthcare competitiveness cluster of the Paris Region. Its unique network brings together more than 510 healthcare innovation stakeholders, including 430 healthtech startups and SMEs, 42 medium-sized companies and large corporate groups, 35 of the main national research institutes and healthcare institutions in the region. Medicen’s vocation is to transform scientific excellence into therapeutic and economic value, into industrial processes and employment opportunities. In order to boost the sector’s growth, job creations and introduce innovative healthcare solutions and services to the market, Medicen supports its members in the emergence of research and innovation projects’, in the orientation of project leaders to adequate funding and in their growth in France and abroad.
We are an active and helpful expert organization that facilitate knowledge transfer and growth. We strengthen relations and increase collaborations between academia, industry and society to support the development of Stockholm as an attractive place for research and entrepreneurship.
The Turku region is an expertise centre for pharma, diagnostics and health technology and a frontrunner in functional foods research. More than 75% of Finnish pharmaceutical exports and 50% of Finnish in vitro diagnostics exports come from the Turku region. We offer numerous high-quality testbeds for companies also for other regions. Business Turku coordinates HealthHub Finland EDIH, a consortium that helps SMEs to digitalise and develop new health data-driven businesses and is leading the Women’s Health initiative in Finland.
The Hellenic Biocluster (HBio) is the largest Health & Life Sciences cluster in Greece. HBio is a strong innovation moderator, connecting and supporting industry and academia partners to develop innovative and impact science. By creating and fostering dynamic synergies, HBio actively contributes to partner and sector growth and ensures a coherent and positive innovation climate for the bio industry in Greece. HBio delivers connectivity to the global science and technology frontiers, with the vision to continue being a catalyst, adding value to the innovation performance of our partners and Greece as a whole.
BioWin is the Health Cluster of Wallonia, Belgium. We are the regional reference holder for all stakeholders in innovative R&I projects in health biotechnology and medical technologies, whether they are companies, research centers or universities. We also aim to promote Wallonia internationally as a world-class life sciences environment for academic, clinical and industrial research.
Bretagne Centre for Technological Innovation (Western France)
We’re Bretagne’s biotech and health cluster and a leading innovation centre for these sectors in 7 markets: eco-industries, agro-industry, food and cosmetic sector, pharmaceutical industry/health biotech, medical technologies, e-health.
Bioindustry Park is an Italian Science Park specialized in Life sciences and healthcare, located in Piedmont (Italy). The park hosts life science companies, R&D and training centers, supports the growth of start-ups and scale-ups, acts as technology transfer enabler and promotes the interaction between research and industry, bridging universities, companies, research centers and healthcare service providers.
Since 2009 Bioindustry Park is the managing company of bioPmed, the regional innovation cluster dedicated to life science and health care. bioPmed members and its community, composed by more than 350 players, represent the entire healthcare value chain: Universities and R&D centers, start-ups and SMEs, large multinational companies, research and care foundations, local public hospitals and healthcare authorities, training and specialised service providers.
bioPmed promotes the creative interaction between local authorities, research, industry and citizens, stimulating innovation, collaboration, life-long learning and accompanying internationalization processes. All the cluster members share a common vision and the same strategic approach towards innovation, considered as the main driver for competitiveness.
Biocant Park is a science and technology park specialized in biotechnology, where advanced life sciences knowledge and technology are developed and applied, creating value in business initiatives. It is nowadays the biggest and most relevant cluster of biotech companies and R&D institutions in Portugal. With a strong commitment to science education and entrepreneurship, Biocant Park provides a wide variety of services and opportunities to develop a competitive business, adjusted to the company’s needs.
LISAvienna is a joint life science platform operated by Austria Wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency. On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the City of Vienna, it contributes to the advancement of life sciences in Vienna. LISAvienna supports innovative biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device and digital health companies in Vienna that develop and market new products, services and processes. The platform links these companies with development partners and key customers.
Atlanpole Biotherapies co-ordinates the work of laboratories, companies and platforms for a public-private complete, relevant and competitive solution, on the bio-medicine value chain from target discovery to clinical evaluation.
Atlanpole Biotherapies is also an association that relies on teams of several organizations in the West of France, which are spread over the three regions covered by the cluster’s area: Pays de la Loire, Brittany and Centre-Val de Loire.
A senior professional with a background in PR & Communications, Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales Management.
With over 15 years working for multinational companies, developing and implementing strategic Communications and Marketing programs for the healthcare, medical devices, legal, fashion and luxury industries.
Her areas of expertise are: PR, Media and Institutional Relations, Corporate Communications, Digital Media, Marketing and Content Development.
She is responsible for CEBR’s Marketing and Communications strategy, as well as for the European projects in which CEBR participates as a partner.
Alberto has 20 years of experience in EU projects, clusters and regional competitiveness.After his Master Degree, he joined the experience of science&technology parks, working in tech transfer, SME support and internationalisation. In 2009 he contributed to found bioPmed, Piemonte Healthcare cluster, where he also served as Cluster Manager for 8 years and Vice-President of CEBR.
In his career has been involved in more than 20 successful EU projects, from FP6 to the launch and coordination of two European Strategic Cluster Partnerships.
He is also Lead Assessor and Benchmarking Expert at ESCA – European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (Berlin) and Associated Trainer at the European Foundation for Cluster Excellence (Barcelona).
He is a consultant, mentor and coach in cluster management, cluster excellence and regional competitiveness.
Specialist in international research management. She has worked in many different research fields such as Health, Information and Communication Technologies, International Cooperation, and Innovation.
She holds a Business Administration degree from the University of Montreal Business School HEC, with specialization in Marketing and International management. Established in Barcelona since 2001, she has been working as an International Research Advisor for the Vall d’ Hebron Institute of Research, as a EU funded project managers for several entities like the University of Barcelona, and acted as Outreach coordinator for the European Science Open Forum ( ESOF).
She also works as an expert reviewer for the European Commission in Research management related topics, and support the definition and implementation of International projects through Asserta Global Healthcare Solutions.
Alexis Biton – International Affairs Manager at Genopole.
Alexis has a Masters 2 degree in Law and European affairs from Bordeaux University. He is specialized in European Union policies and International Affairs, programs, and financial mechanisms. As he did in his previous experience working for Innovation transfer at École Polytechnique, Alexis now brings his in-depth knowledge of European calls and networks to Genopole members looking to benefit from EU’s programs and International development opportunities.
Alexis is in charge of International & European Partnerships and his activities are structured around 3 main axes:
Following a Masters’ degree in European & International Affairs from Sorbonne University, Hickmah strengthened her expertise in European affairs in various capacities, including consultancy, the disability sector and presently, within the healthcare sector.
In 2022, she joined Medicen Paris Region which is the Health Competitiveness Cluster (state labelled) of the Paris and Ile-de-France Region (500+ members – MedTech, Biotech, E-health, Diagnostic, Data). Medicen’s vocations is to transform scientific innovation into therapeutic and economic value, into industrial processes and into job creation.
As a European Affairs Coordinator at Medicen, Hickmah collaborates with health and lifescience clusters across France and the EU to identify & respond to field needs of SMEs and academia, develop strategic inter-cluster collaborations and partnerships (also via several European projects). Her responsibilities also include coordinating the Europe team’s activities, representing Medicen in various national and European entities & working groups, and contributing to the cluster’s strategic positioning on European health challenges at regional, national, and European levels.
PhD in Molecular Biology, Masters’ Degree in Science Communication and Executive Masters’ Degree in Diplomacy and External Affairs. She has a scientific background (12-year experience as a researcher in Spain, France and the USA) and an additional professional track in science communication (1999-2006).
She joined Biocat in 2006, a few months after its foundation (first, as head of communication, and later as head of external affairs). She has been involved since in the cluster strategy, being currently member of the managing board. She is also advisor for R&I policies (since 2011) plus international relations (since 2017) for the Government of Catalonia (Secretariat for Universities and Research), with a special focus on international alliances and R&I programs.
As a member of the Biocat team, she works to promote the BioRegion of Catalonia, an ecosystem of 1200+ stakeholders (academia, hospitals, research organizations, administration, large firms, SMEs, VC, etc.), with a particular focus on its international position. Biocat is locally and globally active, member of several networks and partner in several consortia, with a footprint mainly in Europe but also in US, Canada, Israel and China. Her domains of expertise are: Research and Innovation policies, European Institutions and bodies, Internationalization
strategy, Science Diplomacy, Research Impact Assessment, Social Progress.
More than 20 years experience in the medtech and drug development industries as well as risk financing. Currently director of internationalisation services in Turku Science Park Ltd and managing HealthTurku cluster, the largest biotech cluster in Finland with 90+ biotechs.
HealthTurku aims to help its biotech companies and universities to grow, internationalize and get financing. Also vice chairman in ScanBalt, a metacluster and Northern Europe’s Leading Accelerator for Inter-regional cooperation.
Specialties: Financing, project management, business planning, business development
Sauro Vicini is the Cluster Manager of the Health Cluster of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy since 2018. He is a computer scientist with a Master in Technology & Innovation Management held at the Business School of the Bologna University.
From 2006 to 2017 he worked in the top ranked research centre in healthcare in Italy: the San Raffaele Hospital of Milan, working on topics such as IoT, Digital Health, cloud computing, robotics, privacy and data security, wearable sensors and personal health systems for well-being and disease prevention.
In 2012 he founded the “City of the Future Living Lab”: the living lab for experimenting user-driven Open Innovationinside the San Raffaele Hospital.
From 2014 to 2016 he has been member of the Executive Board of the Cluster Foundation “Technologies for Smart Cities and Communities”, a private foundation based in Milan and promoted by the Lombardia Region for the development of its regional Smart Specialization Strategy.
He conducted research activities, collaborating on numerous European Projects (Horizon 2020, FP7, FP6), in several ICT/Health sectors: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Wearable Sensors, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Data Security, User-driven Open Innovation, Living Lab Methodologies, privacy-by-design technologies, ontologies and semantic engines.
Medeon was the first Science Park in Scandinavia fully devoted to Life Sciences, extablished in 1985. It laso includes an Incubator for projects and start ups in addition to various professional networks (subclusters), e.g. Diabetes Alliance Sweden, Pharma Development Group, NanoMed North, Life Science Malmö, Dent2Health and others.
The Cluster is the regional community that brings together all public and private organisations – research, industrial and clinical – which work with expertise to improve the lives of all citizens.
The Cluster promotes interaction among its members to generate innovation in the life sciences. Our aim is to engage every resource so that the community contributes to creating a virtuous ecosystem, expression of public-private collaboration that makes the Lombardy region a hub of excellence for research and innovation.
Klaster LifeScience Krakow is the community of scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, business developers and policymakers collaborating to develop in the Malopolska Region the innovation ecosystem that has a global impact on Health and Quality of Life.
STUNS Life Science promotes the growth of a strong and sustainable life science sector. We make life science more competitive. Everyday.
It generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of health and bioeconomy. The cluster develops at national level of competitiveness and innovation, it promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the fields of Health and Bioeconomy.
Oost NL (East Netherlands Development Agency) is an agency that focuses its activities and projects on strengthening and stimulating the economy of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel, the Netherlands. We work with businesses in the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and are commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the respective Provinces. Oost NL plays an important role in executing the economic policies of the Dutch government and the Provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and its various city governments. To achieve this it is necessary to encourage a close cooperation between businesses, regional institutes, knowledge institutes, and intermediaries. Oost NL acts as a bridge between government, companies and knowledge institutes.
One Nucleus is a not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation headquartered in Cambridge. We support institutions, companies and individuals in the Life Sciences sector providing local, UK-wide and international connectivity. Through providing the local, UK-wide and international connectivity, One Nucleus seeks to enable our members to maximise their performance.
Health & Life Science Cluster Bulgaria is a professional non-government organisation that was founded to unify the efforts of experts, scientists, practitioners, researchers, academic institutions, start-ups, globally established companies, incubators, technology transfer companies, journalists, marketing and PR experts, who work for the advancement of biotechnology and life sciences field in Bulgaria. The main goals as an organization are to position and popularize Bulgaria as a global centre for health and life sciences, to support the growth of the health and biotechnology sectors, as well as to encourage the synergy between the academy, media, entrepreneurs, investors, public institutions and start-ups, to turn innovative ideas into new products and bring new technological solutions on the market.
Genopole shapes and vivifies a research hub for genomics and life sciences, energizes the growth of biotechnologies by creating, accompanying and welcoming innovative businesses, strengthens a life sciences academic center, and organizes lively scientific events at the biocluster. is a dynamic life sciences organisation with more than 340 member organisations from Belgium and abroad. We help our members to create value by organising networking and training activities, supporting internationalisation, providing services and building expertise.
Eurasanté is the health cluster in Northern France. Eurasanté is a development agency dedicated to tech transfer and business development in the life sciences sector. For more than twenty years, Eurasanté has worked to promote the development of the health sector. Our experienced project managers assist researchers, startups, and businesses to develop their innovations and projects, boosting their business and networks.
Campania Bioscience is the regional life sciences cluster in Campania, one of the most dynamic bioregions in Southern Italy.Since 2013, it has gathered skills and structures in the health, biotechnology and agri-food sectors and is committed to enhancing the regional life sciences and health ecosystem. From year to year, it continues to strengthen its presence at regional, national and European level, through participation in new research projects and strategic collaborations with large companies in the Life Science field.
LifetecZONe is a foundation in the South of The Netherlands focussing on Lifesciences and Medical Technology SME’s. LifetecZONe is a community, where 100 SME’s meet, are coached, getting informed about latest trends and are connected to other collaboration partners. LifetecZONe is steered by a board of directors. The Brabant Development Agency (BOM) is Chair of the board of LifetecZONe.
BOM and LifetecZONe are connected and work together to improve the services towards the SME’s. LifetecZONe is managed by a program coordinator who knows what the main hurdles and challenges are of the SME’s and entrepreneurs. With this knowledge, programs and projects are build, to bring the SME’s in the region to a next level. BOM and LifetecZONe together cover the region of North-Brabant with over 400 companies in Health, and more than 10.000 jobs. Bringing companies to the next level and help them to grow is day – to -day business. LifetecZONe gained a bronze label for cluster management excellence. BOM and LifetecZONe have a lot of experience in European programs.
Danish Life Science Cluster is the national cluster organization for life science and welfare technology in Denmark. We aim to convert Danish research and knowledge within life science and welfare technology into new and improved commercial solutions for the benefit of businesses, healthcare systems, municipalities, and citizens in Denmark.
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH promotes economic development in the life sci-ences industry, helping to strengthen the region as a business location by supporting innovations and start-up companies in the public interest. It is the main point of contact for company founders and entrepreneurs in the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions, in-cluding the cities of Tübingen and Reutlingen.
The STERN BioRegion is one of the largest and most successful bioregions in Germany. Its unique selling points include a mix of biotech and medtech companies that is outstanding in Germany and regional clusters in the fields of automation technology and mechanical engineering.
BioRN is the science and industry innovation cluster around Heidelberg at the border between Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse. BioRN is a non-profit network counting more than 130 members. It includes top universities, research institutions and Technology Parks. Ten global pharmaceutical companies have R&D sites or are active in the BioRN network. The ecosystem is completed by a large range of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as local government organizations and interest groups.
BioM coordinates the biotechnology network in Bavaria, Germany, and manages the biomedicine cluster Munich with the vision to make Bavaria the Place for the Medicine of the Future. BioM is the central contact point for 400+ biotech and pharma companies in Bavaria. The core competence of the region is the development of innovative therapeutics and diagnostics, in particular for personalized healthcare. BioM offers central access to all cluster partners and provides a broad range of information about the sector for prospective customers from abroad.
Biocat is the organization that maximizes the economic and social impact of the life sciences and healthcare innovation ecosystem in Catalonia. It was created in 2006 by the Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Council and its governing bodies include representatives from all areas and levels of the BioRegion of Catalonia: Administration, business (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical technology, digital health and services), universities, hospitals, research centers and institutes, science parks and sector support organizations.
The German capital region is one of the world’s leading locations for the healthcare industry, healthcare, and the life sciences. Leading global companies, renowned scientists, first-class hospitals, innovative start-ups, and specialists from all over the world work together in Berlin-Brandenburg each day to deliver the very best goods and services for the regional and global healthcare markets.
The cluster management team at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) drives networking and the technology transfer in the region and supports international companies interested in relocating to the German capital region.