CEBR Projects



Project duration:

Apr 2019 – Sep 2023

Funding Acknowledgment:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 814607.

We are building an innovative open access platform to offer companies and reference laboratories, the capabilities, knowhow, networks and services required for the development, testing, assessment, upscaling and market exploitation of nanotechnology-based Medical and Diagnosis Devices.


Society and clinical practice pose a growing demand on novel biomaterials, ICT, micro and nanotechnologies for innovative medical devices and in vitro diagnostics (Medical Technologies-MTs). In addition to the challenge of time, the new technologies are subjected to other pressing factors such as qualification, regulation, cost, biocompatibility and the need to be applicable worldwide.

In the most recent years it is obvious that nano-enabled MTs can be applied in nearly every medical area, with a major presence and increased importance in cancer, regenerative medicine, advanced therapies, neurology, cardiology, orthopaedics, and dentistry. On the other hand, any innovation in the Health sector has to be carefully assessed in terms of risk/benefit ratio. Nano-enabled MTs particularly require careful assessment, since they are complex products group and their technological assessments are still under development. This assessment will be a key pillar for the here proposed Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB).

To address all the aforementioned challenges, the SAFE-N-MEDTECH consortium aims to bring a strong and competitive cooperation to compete in the market for a coordinated OITB for nano-enabled MTs. SAFE-N- MEDTECH will build an innovative open access platform to offer to companies and reference laboratories, the capabilities, knowhow, networks and services required for the development, testing, assessment, upscaling and market exploitation of nanotechnology-based Medical and Diagnosis Devices.

This across the whole Life Cycle. This OITB will offer a multidisciplinary and market oriented innovation approach to SME ́s, Healthcare providers and Industries for the translation to the market of MTs, based on a deep understanding and knowledge of the material- nanoproperties, their advance use and applications in MTs and other aspects involved in MTs safety (electric compatibility, electromagnetic properties, etc).

CEBR is actively involved in the communication and dissemination strategy of this very large EU funded project. 4 members of CEBR are also participating in the definition of concrete strategies for the exploitation of this important initiative: BioPMed ,  Biocat ,  HBio  and Turku Health Cluster.

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